Thursday, September 27, 2012

Facebook Seth Allen

I have 2490 friends on Facebook, and I do not think I know half of them. I believe that I am only in touch with like two of them regularly. I do not normally go on Facebook but when I do I am contacted by many of my old friends. I think that is the main reason why I have not deleted mine  because I like talking to old friends every once in a while. I rarely contact people first on Facebook, I am usually on twitter every 5 minutes though. I used to be big on Facebook, but now I was introduced to twitter, life has not been the same. I have the twitter app on my iPhone and I just find it easier to communicate on twitter. Furthermore, I think that if employers want to check a perspective employer they should be able to because you can gather plenty of information about somebody from social media. I think that is a big problem now a days is that people put way too much information on the internet. Checking an individual’s social network before hiring is something employers should do because people can put on a front in a interview but you could find out the real him/her through Facebook, twitter, and other social media forms.

I chose a friend that I am touch with regularly, and then checked his Facebook to see if I would hire him. Scrolling through my Facebook friends looking for his page, I came across of many people that I would not hire. These people have inappropriate pictures up as well as shocking comments and posts on their page. Looking at my friend’s page I did not find anything that made me not want to hire him. His page was full of pictures of his family and friends. This tells me he is a big family man. He did not have inappropriate pictures, comments or post. His paged showed me that he was in love with the game of football. If I were an employer I would hire him and Facebook was very helpful for me. Those people would think otherwise. Some people would think that checking Facebook before hiring would be invading their personally privacy; they think that Facebook is a place to connect and communicate with friends. I think that teaching the youth about being aware and careful of what they put on the social network because it will be on the internet forever.

On my Facebook page my profile picture is of me and my mother. I think if somebody who did not know me saw my page they would agree that I am a family guy and a mama’s boy. Looking at my page I do not see anything bad or anything that would make somebody not want to hire me for a job. Facebook is full of personal conversations so being careful what you post is very important. To conclude, Social networking is more than just interacting and communicating with peers, it is about showing yourself to future perspective employers.


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